Dr Agnes Agama and Melissa Payne hosted a recognising and reporting OECMs in Malaysia Inception Workshop in KL on March 3rd, 2020. The workshop aimed to develop a consensus on the criteria and methodology for site-based assessments, using the IUCN WCPA guidelines and tools as a basis for the assessments. In addition, Agnes and Melissa will use this opportunity to shortlist potential OECM project case studies that were submitted to SEARRP in February 2020, and once chosen these case studies will be taken forward to the site-based assessment stage of the project. SEARRP received over 40 applications of potential case studies from across Malaysia and together with the Advisory Group, they will review the different cases studies and analyse input from members on which sites should be shortlisted for the project. This is an exciting stage of the OECM project, which is investigating the potential of conserving important and vulnerable ecosystems outside of protected areas in Malaysia. To learn more about this interesting project please visit our website.

Dr Agnes Agama, SEARRP’s Co-Director, presenting in KL on potential case studies for the OECM project.