SCIENTISTSMajor Grants & Awards
Grants Administered
The Rainforest Trust c. £920,000 (2016 – 2020). Project grant to SEARRP and the Carnegie Institution for Science (with the Sabah Forestry Department, Partners of Community Organisations in Sabah (PACOS) Trust, Borneo Conservancy Initiative (BCI) and the Universities of York, Aberdeen and Montana). ‘Conservation mapping for protected areas in Sabah’.
Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) c. £600,000 (2015 – 2017 extendable). Project grant to SEARRP (with the Universities of York and Wageningen). ‘Assessing the benefits of the implementation of RSPO principles and criteria’. See the Sensor Project.
Earthwatch Foundation/Shell PLC c. £300,000 (2014/15 renewable). Research & training grant to the Royal Society SEARRP (with Universities of York, Oxford, Swansea & Universiti Malaysia Sabah). “Forests, food & water: Balancing conservation, restoration & sustainable production across Borneo’s forest & plantation landscapes”.
Prosperity Fund of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, UK Government. c. £200,000. Grant to the Royal Society SEARRP (with the Universities of York and Wageningen) to establish the “SEnSOR Research-Policy partnership network” – see:
Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) c. £80,000 (2011 – 2013). Project grant to the Royal Society SEARRP (with the Universities of York and Wageningen) to undertake a scoping study and develop a research grant. “Assessing the benefits of the implementation of RSPO principles and criteria”. Part of this award is to develop a major grant proposal (the SEnSOR Project – see: – which is the subject of several funding applications.
Sime Darby Foundation c. £5.5 million (2010 – 2020). Research grant to the Royal Society SEARRP/Imperial College to establish and run a large-scale forest fragmentation project in Sabah. “The Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystem (SAFE) Project”. See:
Earthwatch Foundation/Shell PLC c. £750,000 (2009 – 2014). Research grant to the Royal Society SEARRP (with Universities of York, Zurich, Swansea & Universiti Malaysia Sabah). “Maintaining rainforest biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and conservation value in the face of climate and land use change”. See here.
HSBC Malaysia c. £250,000 (2009 – 2014). Research grant to the Royal Society SEARRP (with University of Aberdeen) to establish a large primary forest research plot at Danum as part of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institution’s global network of forest research plots. See here.
Darwin Initiative c. £220,000 (2007 – 2010). Research and training grant to the Royal Society SEARRP, A. Hector (Zurich), M. Maryati and H. Bernard (Universiti Malaysia Sabah). “Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: Building research capacity in SE Asia”.
Imperial College, NERC Centre for Population Biology c.£105,000 (2004 – 2010). Research grant to the Royal Society SEARRP in support of a large-scale forest restoration experiment – the Sabah Biodiversity Experiment.
Shell Malaysia c. £60,000 (2005 – 2008). Sponsorship payment in support of SEARRP’s core Malaysian costs.
Grants to SEARRP
Leverhulme Trust c. £10 million (2016 – 2026). Project grant to Sheffield University (David Beerling lead PI) to establish the Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation (LC3M).
HSBC Malaysia c. £90,000 (2006 – 2009). Sponsorship payment in support of SEARRP’s core Malaysian costs.
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GACR) Standard Grant c. £205,000 (2014-2016). T.M. Fayle. “How do changes in species interaction networks affect ecosystem function when tropical forests are degraded?”
Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project grant c. £210,000 (2014-2016). R. Kitching, N. Stork (Chief Investigators), T.M. Fayle (Partner Investigator): “Ecosystem quality and herbivore dynamics in tropical rainforests fragmented by deforestation”
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) c. £6.4 million (2014 – 2019). “Biodiversity & ecosystem processes in human modified tropical forests”. See here: Grant awarded to two consortia led by the University of Aberdeen and the University of Oxford – with research based largely at the SAFE Project site.
Darwin Initiative c. £180,000 (2009 – 2012) J.K. Hill (York), K. Hamer (Leeds), G. Reynolds and S. Benedick (Universiti Malaysia Sabah). “Developing tools for reducing biodiversity losses in tropical agricultural landscapes”.
Swiss National Science Foundation c. £300,000 (2009 – 2012) A. Hector (Zurich). “Life history trade-offs in dipterocarp tree seedlings: implications for the structure and functioning of tropical ecosystems”.
Darwin Initiative c. £200,000 (2009 – 2012) J.K. Hill (York), K. Hamer (Leeds), G. Reynolds (SEARRP) and S. Benedick (Universiti Malaysia Sabah). “Developing tools for reducing biodiversity losses in tropical agricultural landscapes”.
NERC Consortium c. £2.5 million (2007 – 2010). N. Hewitt (Lancaster) and 23 other investigators from 8 UK universities. “Oxidant and Particle Photochemical Processes above a Southeast Asian tropical rainforest”.
Swiss National Science Foundation c. £325,000 (2009 – 2012) A. Hector (Zurich). “Life history trade-offs in dipterocarp tree seedlings: implications for the structure and functioning of tropical ecosystems”.
Darwin Initiative c. £180,000 (2006 – 2010) R.deKok (Royal Botanic Gardens Kew) & and G. Reynolds. “Assessing and managing plant diversity in commercially managed forests in Sabah”.
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GACR) c. £349,000 (2016 – 2018) “The impacts of tropical forest degradation and fragmentation on ant-plant mutualisms, and consequences for plant community dynamics”.